Friday, May 14, 2010

Not Kool!

I also agree with your argument. First of all I can’t believe someone would create such a game like this. This is absolutely NOT okay! Parents who allow their kids to play such games like this are unbelievable. Now when it comes to over the age of 18, that’s a different story. Such games has this one can lead to many, many problems has Sarah also stated. Imagine if a kid was to get in trouble with a certain situation like the game has, I bet the kid and his/her parents would blame it on the game. I can’t even imagine what the creators had in mind when they were making this game. Regardless if the first amendment says "video games are a form of free expression", this video game itself is NOT!

Red,White and Blog

Friday, May 7, 2010


May 6, 2010 is National Prayer Day. You would think this day wouldn’t cause tension within the world, well guess again. “The National Day of Prayer "serves no purpose but to encourage a religious exercise, making it difficult for a reasonable observer to see the statute as anything other than a religious endorsement”. No one can doubt the important role that prayer plays in the spiritual life of a believer. … However, [that doesn't mean] the government may enact a statute in support of it, any more than the government may encourage citizens to fast during the month of Ramadan, attend a synagogue, purify themselves in a sweat lodge or practice rune magic” quoted by Judge Barbra Crabb. I don’t agree with her statements at all. Yes prayer is a religious ceremony but everyone does it regardless of what God they believe in so why can’t the government take part in it too? It’s not like the president just decided to make this a national envent, this law has been going on since 1952. One thing that I do question about this, is if the government knew it valuated the first Amendment’s clause than why go ahead and pass it? I do feel like the government should support and take part in days like this, it makes citizens take time out of there day to thank the man above and be thankful for what they have. You can continue reading more of Barbra’s response's along with others with the link provided at the bottom.

'National Day of Prayer' Continues Amid Debate Over Separation of Church and State By:DEVIN DWYER

Friday, April 23, 2010

It's Not That Simple

A Healthy Choice Posted by: Red, White and Blog
Although the arguments in her post are valid, there is another side to the argument. Unhealthy school food is not the only reason the youth of America today is obese, good nutrition starts at home. Let’s say that Congress passes the Child Nutrition Act and “greasy fries, pizza” etc… are replaced by healthy, organic meals and the vending machines are removed completely, this still wouldn’t solve the problem. If the kids don’t like the new healthier school food, they are not going to eat it, plain and simple. Younger students will start to bring their own lunch to school filled with snacks and sodas, and the older high school kids will go off campus to eat McDonald's, Taco Bell and other unhealthy fast food. This is essence counteracted the attempt to force the students to eat healthier. Then on top of that when the kids go home, they can eat whatever they want, mostly unhealthy fat filled foods. The Act in congress is too limited to have any real lasting effect of stopping childhood obesity. The real problem can either end or be caused by the parents. If the parents teach their kids healthy eating habits then the kids will be less afflicted with the chance of being obese. On the other hand, if they feed their children unhealthy fattening food, the kid will most likely follow that example as they grow, thus becoming obese. All in all, the Child Nutrition Act is not the answer to end child obesity, the task is much larger and in order to succeed parents need to get involved.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Oh Really?!

Government! Government! Government! What can we say about our United States government? They make us happy one minute and outraged the next. There’s a lot of hard work that goes into being apart of the United States government. Little do we “regular” people actually know what all our government provides us with.

When I was younger, I didn’t really understand what the word government meant. All I thought it was, was just a bunch of people arguing about stuff and never seemed to agree on anything. Now I feel that the government is one of the main powers in the United States that enforces major laws, protects states and provides help for our allies. Government comes in when we wish to establish laws for general policies and specific disputes. There are three different branches that make and enforce laws, in which they hold their own power. They center on freedom; freedom to be successful and to make mistakes, neither of which is currently supported but both are very important. I feel that people really should take time out to really understand why we have a government. Social security, military, retirement are just some of the thing the government provides us with. Present day, things haven’t been going well. We’ve been in a recession for about a couple years now and I believe that the government is doing everything they can to help us. It’s just sometimes we don’t understand the decisions they make. Everybody knows about the recent health care bill that was passed. Yes people don’t agree with the decision but isn’t it benefiting us at the end? Being a part of the government holds a big responsibility and a lot of dedication. Young people like myself, should take time out to pay a little more attention to our United States government.

Friday, March 26, 2010


This editorial proves a good point but I feel wasn’t honestly thought threw. Health care! Health care! Health care! Don’t we all need insurance? Don’t we all need to be taking care of? Recently the new health care bill was passed. Providing extended health insurance to more millions of Americans. Will this new bill benefit you?

The author obviously seems to be a republican. He doesn’t favor the new health care bill that was passed the evening of March 21, 2010. He describes it has” Some say we made history. I say we broke with history, turning our back on this country's finest traditions of limited government, personal responsibility, and the consent of the governed”. The editorial sets a tone of anger. He seems to be glooming in the fact that democrats didn’t give much republicans the chance to have a say in the bill, which I believe is a lie. Obviously the author’s intended audiences are republicans. He feels the need for the bill to be revoked. He does provide points that will make a good arguement. He doesn’t think the new health care bill covers certain points, in which he wants it to be repealed. Honestly I do argue with some points his made but the fact is insurance is now available to more Americans than it ever was. More people can get help when they’re sick, or when it is needed. I don’t think he understands this was a long process and had lots of pros and cons in the final decision. I’m pretty sure “regular” human beings had their personally say in this. Yes I believe something’s might still need to be changed but for now I believe this new bill is in favor for Americans. People don’t seem to understand everything can’t change at once; it is a slowly gradually process. I’m pretty sure new changes will be added to the bill and maybe some things taking out but for now I feel people should just deal with the decision. Republicans will argue against anything any day.

This Law Will Not Stand By: Mike Pence

Monday, February 22, 2010

Effective Teachers

Let me start off by saying that this was a good editorial. This country has the opportunity to remake the way that our students are being taught. After all these years, these developments zero in on the most important factor of getting a good education. How effective are these teachers?

This author is very optimistic about this issue. She believes the key to helping students learn is by having an effective teacher in the classroom every year. She is working with more than 3,000 teachers in more than 7 different school districts to develop measures of teacher effectiveness. I don't think she means any harm in doing this. She seems very sincere and concerned about the well being of students today. It seems like she is trying to get the word out to the parents, guardians, and teachers of these students. I think she wants them to be concerned just as much as she is. I agree with her. We all want the best for our kids, brothers, and sisters. Right?! Well we should! Education is a very important thing. Without one, you really cant go far in life. I dont think there is anything wrong with trying to better our teachers for the well being of our students. If it's going to actually have a better effect on the students, then I don't see why teachers shouldn't participate. If teachers want the best for their own kids, they need to be the best for somebody else's!

Zeroing in on Teacher Effectiveness. By: Melinda Gates

Thursday, February 4, 2010

United States Health Care Bill

Have you ever heard the saying "life isn't fair"? Well if you haven't, life just isn't quite fair. Everybody in the world should be covered with health insurance, but that just isn't the case. Things happen and people get sick. When they do, it would be nice to get in and go see a doctor without having to pay a fortune. With the way the economy is now I feel that every little thing the government could do to help individuals, would be appreciated. Currently, the House and Senate are trying to come together and merge two different health care bills that will extend and provide about 30 million Americans with health insurance.

Coming to agreement on this might take a while, simply because everybody has different opinions on things. Texas alone has 14 million uninsured people, that tells you something isn't right. It's important to know about health care. For instance say you're getting ready to start a new job, wouldn't you like to know if that company provides you with the benefit of health insurance? I know I would. If you have health insurance you're treated differently from someone who doesn't have insurance at all.

I feel that this article and video is worth your time watching/reading because it let's us know what the government is doing with the health care bill. Not to mention that the bill applies to us citizens.

Will It Pass? By: Huma Khan