Friday, March 26, 2010


This editorial proves a good point but I feel wasn’t honestly thought threw. Health care! Health care! Health care! Don’t we all need insurance? Don’t we all need to be taking care of? Recently the new health care bill was passed. Providing extended health insurance to more millions of Americans. Will this new bill benefit you?

The author obviously seems to be a republican. He doesn’t favor the new health care bill that was passed the evening of March 21, 2010. He describes it has” Some say we made history. I say we broke with history, turning our back on this country's finest traditions of limited government, personal responsibility, and the consent of the governed”. The editorial sets a tone of anger. He seems to be glooming in the fact that democrats didn’t give much republicans the chance to have a say in the bill, which I believe is a lie. Obviously the author’s intended audiences are republicans. He feels the need for the bill to be revoked. He does provide points that will make a good arguement. He doesn’t think the new health care bill covers certain points, in which he wants it to be repealed. Honestly I do argue with some points his made but the fact is insurance is now available to more Americans than it ever was. More people can get help when they’re sick, or when it is needed. I don’t think he understands this was a long process and had lots of pros and cons in the final decision. I’m pretty sure “regular” human beings had their personally say in this. Yes I believe something’s might still need to be changed but for now I believe this new bill is in favor for Americans. People don’t seem to understand everything can’t change at once; it is a slowly gradually process. I’m pretty sure new changes will be added to the bill and maybe some things taking out but for now I feel people should just deal with the decision. Republicans will argue against anything any day.

This Law Will Not Stand By: Mike Pence

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