Friday, May 7, 2010


May 6, 2010 is National Prayer Day. You would think this day wouldn’t cause tension within the world, well guess again. “The National Day of Prayer "serves no purpose but to encourage a religious exercise, making it difficult for a reasonable observer to see the statute as anything other than a religious endorsement”. No one can doubt the important role that prayer plays in the spiritual life of a believer. … However, [that doesn't mean] the government may enact a statute in support of it, any more than the government may encourage citizens to fast during the month of Ramadan, attend a synagogue, purify themselves in a sweat lodge or practice rune magic” quoted by Judge Barbra Crabb. I don’t agree with her statements at all. Yes prayer is a religious ceremony but everyone does it regardless of what God they believe in so why can’t the government take part in it too? It’s not like the president just decided to make this a national envent, this law has been going on since 1952. One thing that I do question about this, is if the government knew it valuated the first Amendment’s clause than why go ahead and pass it? I do feel like the government should support and take part in days like this, it makes citizens take time out of there day to thank the man above and be thankful for what they have. You can continue reading more of Barbra’s response's along with others with the link provided at the bottom.

'National Day of Prayer' Continues Amid Debate Over Separation of Church and State By:DEVIN DWYER

1 comment:

  1. I respect your argument and your right to believe in whatever god you choose, but not everyone believes in a god and I think clearly if you think about the idea of National Prayer Day and it being encouraged by the government, Jefferson would flip in his grave because clearly church and state are not separate. And just because National Prayer Day has been around since 1952 doesn't mean that it is appropriate for this day in age. Do you know what was also around in 1952? Segregation. We have progressed as a society since then, for the better.
    Furthermore, not everyone prays to "the man above" and people are thankful in their own way. If everyone would stop wasting their time closing their eyes and clasping their hands together talking to an imaginary person praying for change and actually get up off their knees and physically do something about what they are praying for this world would be a much better place.

    note: I did not capitalize god because I do not feel it is appropriate whether that is grammatically correct or not.
