Monday, February 22, 2010

Effective Teachers

Let me start off by saying that this was a good editorial. This country has the opportunity to remake the way that our students are being taught. After all these years, these developments zero in on the most important factor of getting a good education. How effective are these teachers?

This author is very optimistic about this issue. She believes the key to helping students learn is by having an effective teacher in the classroom every year. She is working with more than 3,000 teachers in more than 7 different school districts to develop measures of teacher effectiveness. I don't think she means any harm in doing this. She seems very sincere and concerned about the well being of students today. It seems like she is trying to get the word out to the parents, guardians, and teachers of these students. I think she wants them to be concerned just as much as she is. I agree with her. We all want the best for our kids, brothers, and sisters. Right?! Well we should! Education is a very important thing. Without one, you really cant go far in life. I dont think there is anything wrong with trying to better our teachers for the well being of our students. If it's going to actually have a better effect on the students, then I don't see why teachers shouldn't participate. If teachers want the best for their own kids, they need to be the best for somebody else's!

Zeroing in on Teacher Effectiveness. By: Melinda Gates

Thursday, February 4, 2010

United States Health Care Bill

Have you ever heard the saying "life isn't fair"? Well if you haven't, life just isn't quite fair. Everybody in the world should be covered with health insurance, but that just isn't the case. Things happen and people get sick. When they do, it would be nice to get in and go see a doctor without having to pay a fortune. With the way the economy is now I feel that every little thing the government could do to help individuals, would be appreciated. Currently, the House and Senate are trying to come together and merge two different health care bills that will extend and provide about 30 million Americans with health insurance.

Coming to agreement on this might take a while, simply because everybody has different opinions on things. Texas alone has 14 million uninsured people, that tells you something isn't right. It's important to know about health care. For instance say you're getting ready to start a new job, wouldn't you like to know if that company provides you with the benefit of health insurance? I know I would. If you have health insurance you're treated differently from someone who doesn't have insurance at all.

I feel that this article and video is worth your time watching/reading because it let's us know what the government is doing with the health care bill. Not to mention that the bill applies to us citizens.

Will It Pass? By: Huma Khan